Muahaha! The LINKS have arived!
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Links for you to go to when you are bored
These sites are THE place to go if you are bored. They offer a variety of fun and special places just waiting for your mouse to click on them. You can only imgne how happy these links are when you gently tap them with you pointe.... I think I'm goiong to cry now.
Well that was awkward.

More, better links then this puny site This is a cool site. Randi showed it to me and I like it a lot. This site is stupid...oh well.
Google What can you say about this site?You can find anything and EVERYTHING here. Kudos to the maker
Dont click here you IDIOT I TOLD YOU SO!

Randi's and My Favorite sites
THis goes to no where... LITTERALY! have fun being bored no where
Spam Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
Kill My Time well a person told us that it would b a good addtion and i looked at was cool so i thought i would put it up!! thanx for sharing
Which One? a site full of different buffy quizes
Which Character Like the buffy one but Josie and the Pussycats? if u want more which character e-mail randi or look on yahoo under Which Character.
How Long are you going to live huh? if you dont go here well.... ha i think randi will drasticly shorten that figure! how long will u live?
Quizes or somthing like that tests include IQ EQ career knowledge relationship and more

Movie Quote Quiz if u need a life as much as us, u should have seen almost EVERY movie, but do u know these movies that well?
KAZAA!!!!! Chris says "kazaa is your friend!"